What LIFE? I think that:
The philosophical concept taoist “One is divided into Two” teaches us that as a part is manufactured,
one has at the same time the two dimensions of the part, dimensions it pile and face dimensions it.
In other words, a part is not obtained while manufacturing initially dimensions it pile then dimensions it face,
after one assembles them to obtain the part.
We think that when a baby is, one does not have then manufactures a Life and one has also at the same time the
equivalent of two dimensions of the part, dimensions it pile is “To live” and dimensions it face it is “Direction of Living”.
Thus :
To live is Ying of the life and Sens of Living is Yang of the life.
- To live biologically:
- To strengthen the body.
- To practise the kung fu for maitriser the body.
- Health, nutrition, medicine.
- etc…
- To live socially:
- Work. Social activity.
- To have a trade, a profession.
- Dwelling, environment.
- To found a family.
- To live correctly in the company.
- To have a good human relation.
- Uprightness and Friendship.
- Respect and Consideration.
- Fraternity and solidarity.
- Honesty and Honesty.
- To practise the Compassion.
- To banish aggressiveness and hatred.
- etc…
- To live culturelement:
- Knowledge and Knowledge.
- Leisure. Music.
- To laugh. Humour.
- Joy in life. To refine.
- Sociology, psychology.
- Economy, right.
- Freedom, Democracy.
- Human right.
- etc…
- To live philosophically:
- To better know.
- Concept of Interiority and the Externality.
- To cultivate the spirit and the virtue.
- Wisdom, propriety, courtesy, morals.
- To make the Good.
- Good manners.
- Intellectual honesty.
- Honor and Dignity.
- “To count on its own forces”.
- “To dare to fight, dare to overcome”.
- "Art to be serious without being serious" .
"Art to have humour without really having humour" .
- etc…
To tend towards the Perfect Man,
the Ideal Man
By knowing that one never reached there, one approaches there asymptotically,
because it is ad infinitum. In addition, the way to go there is not linear,
it there has traps, thus it can y have chance mishaps, it is because of the “company”.
Essence, it is to go back on the good Way.
The practice of the kung fu and the study of philosophy, scientific knowledge, etc,
make it possible to reduce the faults and to be maintained on the good
Way to progress towards the Perfection.