- Network:
- Waiter:
- BI (Information banks).
- FAI (Supplier of Access has Internet):
- To connect.
- To seek.
- To lodge:
Web sites, e-mail.
- Working station.
- Surfer:
- Material: subscription has a FAI.
- Software: installation of a Navigator:
- To explore Windows.
- Netscape.
- etc…
- Services:
- Web sites:
- URL: address of a site.
- Search engine:
Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, etc…
- E-mail.
Syntactic rule of the address E-mail:
Identificateur@URL of the FAI
- E-trade.
- E-administration.
- Chater.
- SMS.
- etc…
- Methodology of creation of a Web site:
- Base data.
- Flow chart.
- Programming:
HTML, Java, Javascript, Flash, etc…
- FAI to lodge it:
After having the computer lights.
- To launch the browser (navigator).
I.e., that is to say: nescape navigator 3.0, comunicator or Microsoft exploror, etc
While clicking on its icon.
Then posting of the Home Page (banner page) of IPT.
(Because the site east configures directly on the waiter of IPT).
- To connect on a Web site of your choice.
- You know the URL (Uniform Ressource Locator) of the site (the page) research;
i.e. its electronic address.
Then write its URL on the zone reservee.
Posting of the banner page of the site seeks.
- Example of URL:
IPT University Paris 8 ---> http://ipt.univ-paris8.fr
The newspaper Release ---> http://www.liberation.com
Museum of Louvre ---------> http://www.louvre.fr
Television: TF1 -----------> http://www.tf1.fr
- You do not know the URL (adess) site seeks.
To launch the “search engine” by writing its URL.
Posting of the banner page of search engine.
- Example of search engine:
From the banner page of the search engine; how does one seek the Web site ?
- By key word.
Write the key words in the zone reservee.
- Remark 1 :
The search engine posts the number of sites which it A find.
For example, with key word “IPT”: Yahoo.fr finds 1 site, AltaVista finds 6654 sites.
- Remark 2 :
Possibility of using Boolean operations: AND, GOLD, etc
For example, with AltaVista :
Release (9387 sites find)
Release AND topicality (420 sites find)
Release AND daily topicality AND (185 sites find)
- By topics.
It is a classification of their data base.
- Example of topics on yahoo.com :
- arts and humanities
- computers and Internet
- entertainment
- etc
Back: return to the preceding page.
Home : return to the banner page of IPT.
Stop : stop of loading.
In the control panel, under the heading Aller a :
all the visitees pages are citees.
Reload (to rafraichir): to reload the page.
One can print the page.
A file HTML comprises components Multimedia (text, image and its).
A Web page proposes information in the form of pages which function according to the principle of the hypertexts:
thanks to the active zones (words or images) of the affichee page has the screen,
the reader can of a simple click of mouse, to reach has another page
(same waiter or of another waiter).
A hypertext link is form by an anchor and the address of the target document.
For surfer, one clicks on a “hypertext link”:
- Nature of the hypertext link:
- Text (continuation of words)
- Image and graph
- Three types of the hypertext link:
- To go towards another Web site.
- To go towards another page (heading) of the same site.
- To go towards another paragraph of the same page.
- Note::
As the cursor passes on a hypertext link, the cursor is transformed into “hand”.
Some orders HTML
One quotes (page) Web is a whole of files HTML (Hypertext Markup Language).
A file HTML east composes by the instructions (orders) of language HTML.
It is about a simple whole of orders of formatting of documents.
All instructions HTML are written in a system of marking,
the tags are always frame by the signs “inferior has” and “higher A”.
Structures HTML can emboiter the ones in the others.
I.e. that two tags of opening and closing enters, one can place others of them.
But it is necessary to take care of coherence fitments and to always close again a tag at the good place.
Certain codes do not require closing of tag.
Here some names of orders:
HTML: declaration of the program in language HTML.
HEAD: the heading of the program. : titrate program. BODY: body of the program.
BGCOLOR=: attribute to colour the bottom of the page. De H1 has H6: to write a text.
Relative workings: levels of title.
I: to write in italic. U: to underline the text.
B: heavy type.
P: the declaration of a paragraph.
MAKE: to colour the text.
COLOR= " #coulor ": attribute for designer the color of the text. The color is exprimee into HEXADECIMAL or to write in English.
BLACK 000000, BLUE ff0000, GREEN 00ff00, RED ff0000, YELLOW ffff00, CYAN 00ffff, WHITE ffffff, etc
(to have more information on the colors, to see the heading “Colorimetry”.)
ALIGN=: attribute to align (text, images, etc) either has LEFT, or with the CENTER, or has RIGHT.
HR: to insert a boundary line. Horizontal feature. One can align the boundary lines.
WIDTH=: attribute to determine the length, either expressed as a percentage, or in pixels.
SIZE=: attribute toetermine the thickness in pixels.
Br: jump of line forces. To post an image:
IMG SRC= " way to go to seek the image” the extention of the file image must be either in GIF, or in JPG. The dimension of the images in pixels: WIDTH= and HEIGHT=.
Attributes ALIGN (SIGNAL, MIDDLE, BOTTOM: alignment of image compared to text), ISMAT (indicates that the image is “cliquable”), SRC (URL of the image).
UL: lists not numerotee.
OL: lists with classification.
LI: item of list. COUNT: to define a table. The attribute TO BORDER defines the framework by defect: if it misses, the table will not have a framework. By defect, table east aligns on the left margin. Attribute ALIGN makes it possible to modify its position It can take the values: LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER. The attribute WIDTH = " NR” makes it possible to specify the width of the table. NR can express as a percentage opening of the window.
TR: mark a line of table.
TH: cells for the titles.
TD: cells for the data. One can insert in the table all kinds of orders including another table or the images.
A: defines an element of bond (anchors) origin or destination. It admits the following attributes:
HREF = URL of destination.
With HREF= " way to go towards the URL”: order hypertext link.
FRAMES: to divide the screen of work.
HTTP (Hypertext Treansfer Protocol) = Protocole of communication uses for the data exchanges between the customers and the WWW waiters.
W W W (World Wide Web): It is a system hypermedia distributes functioning in customer-server mode on Internet. The principle founder of the Web rests on a system hypertext.
HTML (Hypertext Language Mark-up): Language of marking uses to specify working of the documents in the World Wide Web. HTML is an interpreter by the software www customers like Netscape.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator): Syntax utilisee by WWW to specify the physical localization of a file or a resource on Internet.
DNS (Field Name Server) = Protocole Internet ensuring conversion enters names IP and numbers IP of the machines reliees has Internet. This system is base on the arborescent organization of the system of naming of machines uses on Internet.
IP (Internet Protocol) = Protocole of communication routable uses on Internet network. It not offers services of routing of data in package mode connects.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) = Protocole of Transport level uses by the majority of applications Internet.
Waiter: Says itself of a computer or of an application able to render a service has customers.
Customer: In architecture clien-waiter, the computer which uses a service east names customer.
Netscape: Software WWW customer markets by Netscape Communication.
Hypertext = comprising Texte of the words returning has other texts or part of text.
Hypermedia = comprising Hyperdocument of the multi-media elements: text, image, sound. )
Newsgroup: Indicate one of the newsgroups set of themes. The newsgoups are organize according to a structure set of themes hierarchisee.
E-mail: email.
Email which allows an asynchronous exchange of messages text which can be accompany by multi-media elements. It makes it possible to join any owner of an electronic address to address a message to him in the form of computer file.
Service on line :
service of information and transport accessible per modem realising payment the services in lines propose also the accesses has the Internet.
Modem (modem):
apparatus being used for transport of infos between two computers, by the telephone network.
Supplier of access (provider): company connecting its subscribe has the Internet.
The proxy: to save with the Net surfers the time of loading on the network of the pages more consultees, the supplier of access stores them on a special machine.
Cookies: certain waiters send on the hard disk of the Net surfers of the data usable at the time of later visits. They are then able to adapt the contents of the envoyees pages, according to the data collected (date of the visits, consultees pages).