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Since 1990 to 2003, my semi-annual courses (vacation), at IPT
Universite Paris 8 . [ Owner of this class(course) ]
(For students of "deug" in Visual arts, etc...)
All rights reserved - Copyright
In this page, there are 2 parts :
- Definition and Esthetique .
- Bibliography .
Definition and Esthetique
An is, by
definition, an
image creee by an information processing system from model mathematic.
It be-A-statement which the tool for creation it is the
computer, but has the interior of the computer, one A installs a
graphic software; and that this software is written according to
mathematic equations. In other words, the image calculee it is the
computer which makes calculations for creer images.
The final image is into mosaic formee of pixels.
One cree of the images calculees by handling information.
This information is contained in the mathematic modeles. Thus made
esthetic of an image calculee depend of the mathematic complexite of
the model uses.
Beyond the mathematic modeles complicate, the search of the
realism and the beauty in the images calculees call upon the "
artistic direction " and with
subjective judgement.
The beauty in image calculee thus comes
from two factors :
- Creative imagination.
- The model mathematic.
Quality standards :
- The definition :
- It is the number of lines by the number of columns.
- The larger the density is, the more quality is better.
- Colors :
- Texture and colouring dependent number of displayable colors
- For example, to make a linear degrade between 2 colors, it is
necessary to have more than 16 million hues.
- Software :
- The artistic possibilities dependent of the richness of the
graphic fonctionalites.
The image calculee is a scientific field, whose result also
comprises an artistic aspect. The image calculee thus forms as part
of art, with the same title as painting, photography, etc.
The image calculee, as a work of art, brings a new
dimension has art:
- On the level of creation , by the tool for creation and the
mode of creation.
- On the level of esthetic , as well in form as in texture, by
the algorithms and the formulas.
In image calculee, there are two kinds of esthetic, on the
one hand a " esthetic realist " and on the other hand " esthetic
phantasmagoric ". Well on, on a same image one can combine these two
The image calculee takes as a starting point the the beauty
in nature for returned the realist, but one tests in addition to
finding laws scientific which regissent it.
The realism of the image calculee has two functions :
- Function criterion : it be-A-statement, if an image calculee
resembles has the reality, one says that the image is reussy and that
the software which makes it possible to carry it out is excellent.
- Esthetic function : indeed, an image calculee realist is very
beautiful, because it wakes up a feeling of admiration, size,
nobility, pleasure, perfection and intensity.
Nowadays, with progress in graphic data processing, the
esthetic realist of the images
calculees is as resembling as that of the classic arts or
photographic. It is what causes a kind of magic artistic in an image
It is in the addition of the computer has the effort of
programming made by the artist that is the richness creatrice.
The element "lucky finds " is probably
more important in data-processing art than in traditional art.

In an image calculee, it y a:
- a cultural aspect art
- an economic aspect application
- a contribution of data processing creation
- a contribution of science modelisation
All the philosophical question is to know which kind of
esthetic feeling, of report/ratio has art one can have with the image
The image calculee is universal, its direction remains
practically same whatever the language of that which it percoit same
for people of different cultures.
Bibliographie .
- CALLET Patrick.
Couleur-lumiere, Couleur-matiere.
Editions Diderot, 1998.
- QUEAU Philippe.
Eloge de la simulation: de la vie des langages a la synthese des images.
Collection milieux, Champ Vallon, INA, 1986.
- HOLTZ-BONNEAU Francoise.
Creation infographique.
Addison Wesley.
- POINSSAC Beatrice.
Presses Universitaires de France. (Que sais-je ?), 1994.
- MOLES Abraham.
Art et Ordinateur.
Ed, Syntheses contemporaines,
Castermaan, 1990.
- COLONNA Francois.
Images du virtuel.
Addison Wesley, 1994.
Le livre IMAGINA
10 ans d'images de synthese, 1990.
Infographie et application.
Masson, 1988.
Introduction a l'infographie (logiciel)
- GOURRET Jean-Paul.
modelisation d'images fixes et animees.
Masson, 1994.
W.S Vincent.
Multimedia Technology and Application
Singapore : Springer . Verlag , 1997.
Guide de l'utilisateur HTML
Micro Application, 1996.
Presses Universitaires de France. (Que sais-je ?) 1995.
- Revues :
Pixel, Creation Numerique, Computers Graphics, etc